I think the basic problem is that the TEA and GOPers are ideologues that want their vision of America to be put in place NOW. They can't quite articulate what that vision is. They conflict with themselves internally, not just as a party but as individuals (cognitive dissonance). They don't want to work towards a goal, they want to be there now.
They have a loose association with the truth, and are totally disconnected from the reality that people have opinions that differ from what Fox tells them.
No amount of discourse on MSNBC will convince them otherwise - they are not watching. They are impossible to embarrass; they have no conscience except for whatever the daily outrage from Fox directs them to feel outrage over.
The worst part is that they do not realize they are being herded this way. They can not think for themselves, or have forgotten how. So they get worked up over "Obamacare" but are OK with the Affordable Care Act. They hate this president, but said that opposing W was unpatriotic. They don't like Socialism, but work as firemen, police, road builders, and teachers. They refuse to believe Obama was born in Hawaii, but want a Canadian born senator to be our next president.
They want lower taxes AND the biggest military the world has ever seen.
And impeach that bastard - he's not "American enough".
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